Friday, November 4, 2011

HW-Assignment 3, Johnson

What is the most beautiful thing that you see on the website?
I think the waterfall in Slovenia is most beautiful view that causes my attention. I visited some beautiful waterfalls in Taiwan before. I think the waterfall is a special natural properity in the world.

Does your family ever go on holidays? If they do, where do they go?
My family and I like to go jogging in the mountains on holidays. The mountains are very beautiful and very big, in addition, there are a lot of animals and trees there, so you will feel relax in the mountains.

If you could take a trip anywhere in the world, where do you go?
If I can take a trip in anywhere, I will go to nature park in Slovenia. In the park I can chat with people and play with children together. The nature park is the only place that I will go there someday. 

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